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Wednesday, June 18, 2003

I am continuing to exercise, though not as often as I was a few weeks ago. I’m doing a few isometric exercises and long sit-ups and push-ups, but only one or two per night. Still, I feel it’s most important that I get in a little exercise often. I can always expand my routine once it becomes a habit.

Tuesday, June 17, 2003

I continue to work on my animations. My current project is much more complex than the previous ones; it’s an eight-second animation of a talking character, complete with dialogue. After noodling around in After Effects, I’ve managed to assemble the animation itself, but I’ve run into a major problem: I need a microphone so I can record the character’s voice, but during the move, it looks like I’ve lost my good microphone. Ick. I hate […]

Monday, June 16, 2003

You know, it’s bad when you really want your work-day to end, and you’ve been at your desk for twenty-five minutes. Work continues to be completely uneventful. As always, there’s some busywork I can attend to, but it’s busywork. The human soul shrivels when it has nothing productive to do. I had a good weekend, though. I took my truck in for its mid-life tune-up at the local Firestone shop, met a really […]

Friday, June 13, 2003

The BBC has a reality show called Faking It, where an average, blue-collar worker gets four weeks to train for a high-powered job, and see if s/he can make a panel of experts believe that this is his or her career. I watched an episode last night, in which a burger-flipper named Ed trained to be a high-powered chef. He was a mousy guy who had to become an incredibly confident chef barking out […]

Thursday, June 12, 2003

It’s a gorgeous morning: warm as a soft blanket, the air fresh and clean. It makes you want to go out and set up a lemonade stand, you know? I went to a customer meeting on Tuesday, which was a surprising success in terms of my work troubles. My boss’ boss explained my dilemma to the customer, who seems to understand my position. More than anything else, I was impressed with my boss’ boss, that he volunteered this to the customer. […]

Wednesday, June 11, 2003

Last night I pulled the wonton wrappers out of the fridge in heady anticipation of a new culinary treat — home-made ravioli. I had a recipe, and all the ingredients. Heck, getting the wonton wrapers was a story in itself, but I have other pasta to cook here. The first step involved boiling water. Experienced cook that I am, I know the secret to boiling water: It takes days. So I poured a “generous two quarts” of water into […]

June 10, 2003

Note: There’s a new poll on the right of this page. It seems to work. So, I’m still a bit under the weather (and what a strange turn of phrase that is), but I’m functional. I’m at work, for example. I completed another animation last night — I added a background to the red bouncing ball animation, and posted it to the website. It’s simple, but again, it proves that I can do this. Next will […]

June 9, 2003

Heh. From this review: “Thank you, Neon Genesis Evangelion, for making “emotionless construct” a popular character type.” Finally, after several weeks of being ill every Monday, I’m not nauseous today. Today I have a sore throat. Seriously, it’s not that bad. I did end up sleeping until noon and missing a meeting with a customer, but it was rescheduled, and I don’t feel absolutely terrible. I will […]

Saturday, June 7, 2003

God’s draining his bathtub on us again. This isn’t a stately rain, or a a calm rain; this is sullen rain. Rain that wants to be hail. It’s made worse by the fact that yesterday was achingly beautiful; a high of 82 degrees under an postcard blue sky that God had dotted with clouds just for visual interest. And that had been preceded by a solid month of grim grey skies […]

June 6, 2003

This is the Week Of Suckage. No good journal entries this week. I hope to be back on the ball next week, though. I drew several more frames of animation last night. Now all I need is for the Adobe bundle to arrive from Saalon, and install it, and then I can start assembling them. It comes with Photoshop, so I can become a Photoshop Weenie. Expect to see a bad logo complete with […]

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