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Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Have you done that writing exercise yet? I’ll post my results tomorrow, and set up a system that will let you post your own. I take my trusty digital camera with me everywhere. If I don’t, invariably I want to take a picture but don’t have my camera with me. As a result, I’ve taken a number of photos with my Kodak DC5000, and uploaded them to my pictures site. There’s lots of stuff […]

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

It’s amazingly time-consuming to pursue one’s dreams. Take my animations as an example. A friend knows an artist who is willing to try animation. Through our mutual friend, I requested some art samples…and I haven’t seen the mutual friend in weeks. So, now I have to contact him and work out a time when we can meet. Arg. It frustrates me, and it pushes me a little distance away from animating. This isn’t […]

Monday, November 17, 2003

Nearly missed Brennen’s wonderful Standing Bear essay. And I mean “essay” in a broad but American Heritage Dictionary–approved sense. Saturday’s relaxation was a wonderful product of Friday’s industry. I realized that I spend much of my Saturdays out doing errands, and that I’d really like to have a full day free to write, or animate, or cook, or whatever. So, Friday night after work, I ran to the bank and Greenberry’s, taking care of some online errands, […]

Thursday, November 13, 2003

Here are the four areas that I want to concentrate on for the next three months: Animation — I want to produce matrix experiments lain, a Matrix spoof. Programming — I want to finish prototype 6 of Contract Tycoon and write a few little applications for Syllable. Writing — I want to write 10,000 words of Seeing Things Invisible and two short stories. Exercise &mdash: I want to be running three days a week for three miles per […]

November 12, 2003

“At two other points, Neo flies like Superman and grabs people so quickly that the change of direction should kill them. But sometimes physics matter in the Matrix, and sometimes they don’t. Perhaps part of Neo’s power is that he can change the rules of the Matrix for everyone around him. If so, why does this story take so long?” — Will Shetterly, the Matrix Reloaded lessons Y’know, […]

Monday, November 10, 2003

Fair warning: I’m psychically exhausted, after spending a busy weekend out and about. This post sucks. On Saturday, I went out to look at a new community of condos. I’d like to buy a place, rather than rent, and the prices at this place seemed reasonable. It’s a lovely little gated community, and the condos are attractive in a neo-classical way. I like the feel of the place, which is important to me. I don’t believe in going for a deal that […]

Saturday, November 8, 2003

Here’s a screenshot of the little MacOS game I wrote: And for those of you enlightened enough to use a Mac ;-), you can download the game!

November 7, 2003

New poll. I’m thinking of posting writing exercises here, that I would do along with readers. I’d post my results, and provide space where you all could post yours. Please vote, over there on the right. No, the right. According to the last poll, the vast majority of you saw and loved Kill Bill. So. What did you think of Ghost Story? Please send me your thoughts.   […]

November 6, 2003

As recently as World War II, talk still aspired to the condition of writing. Now writing has uniformly descended to the condition of talk. — J. Bottum, today’s Wall Street Journal Ghost Story, part 3 The young man hesitated. “You’re dead, you know.” “Yeah. I figured.” The new guy sighed in relief. “Good. Some people have such a tough time with that.” George continued looking at him impassively. “I’m […]

Wednesday, November 5, 2003

Finally! I have this page displaying properly in both Opera and IE. <sarcasm>Can’t wait to test it on Safari….</sarcasm> Ghost Story, part 2 He glanced around for a tunnel of light, but there was only the dark, sparse apartment, illuminated dimly by the Swedish lamp in one corner. He looked back down at Donna, who was in turn staring down at his slumped body. He knew he should be feeling […]

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