Sunday, October 16, 2005
It’s been a good weekend, if not productive in my core projects. Even so, my parents were so gracious to take me out to breakfast Saturday morning, then helped me repair my backyard fence. It’s a standard white picket fence that’s seen better days; the wood’s rotting and several pickets have been missing since I moved in. In fact, I’ve been using an old wooden pallet to block a large […]
Friday, October 14, 2005
It’s been a very weird October. Temperatures have hovered in the high seventies and low eighties every day until this week, when a deluge of rain has dropped temperatures to more seasonal levels. It’s still very comfortable for mid-October; I went on a brisk walk today and had to remove my jacket after a few minutes. But a stubborn net of clouds still clings to the sky, with only rare gaps allowing glimpses of blue. […]
Thursday, October 13, 2005
I just sat three rows from a stage where I witnessed a complete production by the Peking Opera (the Chinese entertainment form that essentially spawned kung fu movies). It was indescribable. The costumes were prisms painted on silk. The acting was intense, powerful, moving, and at times overtly funny. The acrobatics were fantastic—rarely has anyone in the movies done better, and these somersaults were performed twenty feet from my head. The music…well, I could […]
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Well, this Hungarian Whooping Grippe or whatever it is really knocked me for a loop. I’ve been out of commission for the last seven days. And for a guy like me, that’s frustrating. I did manage to catch up on my reading, though. I powered through all 534 pages of Disney War, an account of Michael Eisner’s time as head of Disney. Boy, that was an eye-opener. Eisner’s not quite the guy I imagined him to be; he’s […]
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
And I’m back out of business. That cold nabbed me again, and I spent the last three days in bed. I’m just well enough to come to work today, but I suspect I’ll crash again tonight. I have been watching some anime. Specifically: The new Ah My Goddess TV show, which is moving along slowly but entertainingly. Overall, I’d grade it a “B”. I’m a bit frustrated that by episode […]
Tuesday, October 4, 2005
I’m back in business (mostly). Worked a half-day at work, and that partly because things are quiet there. I’ve powered through pretty much all of my work, so I cleaned out my inbox and took care of a few things, and generally went easy on myself to prevent a relapse of this cold. Got home to a couple of phone calls, both of which were good. One of them makes me feel very good about Otherspace, […]
Monday, October 3, 2005
And just when I get a little more interested in blogging, a cold grabbed me by the scruff of the neck and threw me into bed for a few days. It’s been pretty bad yesterday and today; so bad that I’m staying home from work today. Don’t want to infect anyone else, though I got it from work. This same nasty cold has been leaping from cube to cube. It’s the current […]