But I Totally Could To Live By Bread Alone
I recently started a side business. I love to bake. For some reason, I find it easy: you combine a few ingredients in a bowl, toss the results into an oven, and come back later to find something awesome. Then I stumbled on a beautiful old book, Beard on Bread, a yellowed hardback with dozens of bread recipes and pencil sketches. I tried a few of the recipes. They were excellent. I gave out some bread. People loved it. And thus […]
The LiveJournal Post
This is the post where I apologize that I haven’t blogged in a while. As usual, it’s not because I’ve been terribly busy. I have been busy, but I can usually blog when I am. It’s the normal problem I Have with this blogging: I can’t come up with a consistent schedule of content that […]
Bird By Bird
The toughest part of writing is to keep writing. It’s easy to type merrily away when inspiration strikes. Ideas flow! Characters pop out of one’s forehead, full-formed! The question is, will you write the next bit tomorrow? And more the day after? And again next week? An 80,000-word novel is a Frankenstein’s monster of tiny […]
Making Things Talk
Making Things Talk is intended for a specific audience, but one which I wish were bigger. It’s aimed at folks who want to wire up stuff. Stuff like motion-sensing stuffed animals. A doorbell that chimes every time someone visits your website. Real-world, physical objects. But without all the hassles of soldering. Enter Making Things Talk […]
Weekly Expenditure Adventure: Week 5
A month into my experiment in spending less! Let’s see what this week totals: Saturday $0.00 Sunday $5.50 Snacks Monday $114.23 Candles, bird seed, plant bulbs, groceries Tuesday $17.42 More groceries, cookies Wednesday $3.47 Milk Thursday $10.07 Dinner Friday $0.00 Total $150.69 To be fair, I was at a wedding last weekend, so I didn’t […]
The New Thing
The idea leapt into my brain and grew rapidly. I’ve no idea, even now, where it came from. I do remember tweeting about it on 27 August. As is usual with ideas, it was a synthesis of several things I’d seen recently and several things I like. I imagined a character like Max in The […]
Weekly Expenditure Adventure: Week 4
Here’s what I spent on various expenditures this week: Saturday $26.72 Tea, flower bulbs, lunch Sunday $10.00 Lunch Monday $0.00 Tuesday $22.05 Movie ticket, food Wednesday $12.01 Dinner Thursday $46.89 Gas Friday $26.00 Lunch and checking a bag Total $143.67 Excellent! Much less than the previous week, even with the huge gas fill-up on Thursday.
How To Cook
I am a minimalist. This is especially so in the kitchen. I haven’t bought a new pot, pan, or kitchen utensil in 5 years. I just don’t need to. I know the basics. I have a slightly more eclectic approach to cookbooks. I believe in learning how to cook things in general. I don’t follow […]
Weekly Expenditure Adventure: Week 3
(Updated to include bills paid on Wednesday.) Saturday $41.84 Fence posts for garden Sunday $37.60 Gas, groceries, and a passport photo Monday $8.39 Dinner at a Chinese restaurant Tuesday $39.30 Gas and food at a farmer’s market Wednesday $1,200.99 Fruit and vegetables, mortgage bill, power bill, iPhone bill Thursday $12.75 Lunch and dinner Friday $46.55 […]
Giving Up on Three Hearts and Three Lions
A friend of mine recommended this Poul Anderson fantasy novel, Three Hearts and Three Lions a while back. I’ve finally been working my way through it. I’m not going to finish it. It’s about a guy who wakes up in a fantasy world, and can mysteriously speak the language and ride a horse and fight (quite well!) in armor. And he’s trying to figure out how he got here, and why. So he’s […]