

Ironic, how much of wise living consists of resisting one’s impulses.

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Beatdown Distraction

We’ve all been there: it’s late in the evening, you meant to be working on your current Big Project, and you suddenly realize you’ve spent the past two hours flipping through unrelated Wikipedia pages. Not because you were bored; you just got distracted. This happens to me when I’ve been racing around for most of the evening–cooking, recording videos, checking emails. I haven’t rested, so eventually […]

Weekly Expenditure Adventure: Week 9

(This posted a couple of days late; technical issues, blah blah blah.) Here are the purchases I made this week: Saturday $38.01 Drinks, fabric, groceries Sunday $0.00 Monday $1.37 Cookies Tuesday $0.00 Wednesday $15.01 Lunch and cookies Thursday $0.00 Friday $0.00 Total $54.39 Ridiculously low expenditures this week, thanks primarily to a pot of ham […]

Weekly Expenditure Adventure: Week 8

I was on a business trip this week, which took care of most of my meals. Even so, here are the totals: Saturday $11.84 Snacks Sunday $0.00 Monday $5.00 Laundry Tuesday $13.74 Snacks Wednesday $16.83 Dinner Thursday $12.39 Snacks Friday $169.90 lnch, gas, parking at airport Total $229.70 Quite a few snacks. However, I couldn’t […]

The Importance of Conferences

I’m at a conference this week, for work. I didn’t particularly want to be here. The content (thus far) looks to be of limited use at work (our customers don’t want a lot of the features being presented), and I can’t do fun stuff at home this week. But I’m very glad I came. Because […]

Weekly Expenditure Adventure: Week 7

Okay, now that I’m back to regularly tracking my expenses, let’s see how I did: Saturday $50.57 Gas and tchotchkes at the Renaissance Festival Sunday $0.00 Monday $0.00 Tuesday $0.00 Wednesday $9.63 Dinner Thursday $10.15 Lunch Friday $124.69 Groceries, Halloween party ingredients, lunch Total $184.88 Not only are these fairly minimal expenses (and mostly due […]

Weekly Expenditure Adventure: Week 6-ish

Yeah, I haven’t been keeping up with this for a couple of weeks, so it’s more like week 10. But it’s week 6 of keeping track. Whatever! Saturday $44.53 Gas and shipping a DVD Sunday $16.08 Lunch Monday $50.80 Pumpkins, mums, and veggies Tuesday $7.24 Lunch Wednesday $0.00 Thursday $9.79 Lunch and a brownie Friday […]

Expenditures, Expenditures

You may have noticed the lack of Weekly Expenditure Adventure posts on here. Why? I fell off the wagon. As easy as it is to track one’s expenditures, it’s just as easy to forget. And then you face days’ worth of half-remembered purchases, and going to the mental effort of remembering just feels like too […]

Weekly Expenditure Adventure: Week 5

A month into my experiment in spending less! Let’s see what this week totals: Saturday $0.00 Sunday $5.50 Snacks Monday $114.23 Candles, bird seed, plant bulbs, groceries Tuesday $17.42 More groceries, cookies Wednesday $3.47 Milk Thursday $10.07 Dinner Friday $0.00 Total $150.69 To be fair, I was at a wedding last weekend, so I didn’t […]

Weekly Expenditure Adventure: Week 4

Here’s what I spent on various expenditures this week: Saturday $26.72 Tea, flower bulbs, lunch Sunday $10.00 Lunch Monday $0.00 Tuesday $22.05 Movie ticket, food Wednesday $12.01 Dinner Thursday $46.89 Gas Friday $26.00 Lunch and checking a bag Total $143.67 Excellent! Much less than the previous week, even with the huge gas fill-up on Thursday.

I work for Amazon. The content on this site is my own and doesn’t necessarily represent Amazon’s position.