

Been playing around with TweetDeck, a Twitter desktop client. This lets you not only read your Twitter stream, but also split your stream into separate streams for just certain groups of folks (personal friends, business contacts, etc.). It works well for its stated purpose, though the tweets take up a lot of space compared to, say, the main Twitter website. So you can […]


For those of us who actually create media, it can be really hard to find good music that you can publish as part of your own work. Whether it’s a trailer, a music video, or a larger work like a film, licensing can be really complicated. Which is what makes sites like so wonderful. […]

How to really use Twitter

Okay, so you’ve signed up for a Twitter account, and maybe posted a few times. How do you move to the next level? Here are some suggestions for improving your Twitter experience: Go to the Everyone stream. See who’s talking, and about what. More importantly, see what catches your attention. Observe effective use of 140 […]


If you like Twitter, you may benefit from a more powerful interface. Some solve this through use of TweetDeck, a desktop application that shows multiple Twitter streams (your stream, replies to you, direct messages, etc.) in columns. The new service PeopleBrowsr is a web-based application that works like TweetDeck. You enter your Twitter account information, […]

What Is Glogster?

A lot of educational folks who “get” the new web (Web 2.0, social networking, etc.) are excited about Glogster. Despite the annoying name, it’s a neat site: it lets you quickly and easily create a poster as a web page. Essentially. So when you go to Glogster, you get a blank page, and a simple […]

Post to Several Twitter Accounts at Once with Matt

Twitter’s great; it lets you keep in touch with lots of people. For those of you who’ve already jumped onto the Twitter bandwagon, you may have heard of folks who have several Twitter accounts. I have 4 — my main account (BrentNewhall), BrentRPG for an online game I play through Twitter, OtakuNoVideo for my podcast, and Gunwave for announcements about my online game. How do I manage them all? Through Matt, the “Multi-Account […]

Save Yourself Time With Google Maps or MapQuest

I recently looked into adopting a dog from the SPCA. It fell through, but during the transaction I was surprised by something. The SPCA requires an in-home visit to verify that the house is safe for the dog. When I gave the SPCA representative my information, including my home address, she asked me for directions […]

Jason Calacanis, His Email List, and Layoffs

Jason Calacanis is a very interesting man. He’s a classic Silicon Valley entrepreneur. He started several major websites, including Silicon Alley Reporter and Weblogs, and is currently running Mahalo, which is a sort of hybrid Google/Wikipedia site. I first heard Jason Calacanis—literally, heard—when he was a guest on This Week in Tech, a tech audio podcast. He was completely confident, and opinionated, and threw out extremely self-assured opinions. […]

Online Photo Printing with Snapfish

Snapfish is an online photo printing service. Quite simply, you upload your photos to the Snapfish site, choose your print options, and pay with a credit card. Your photos arrive in the mail a few days later. It’s simple and powerful. There are similar sites, like SmugMug, but Snapfish is one of the cheapest and […]

Several years ago, I tried to install a wiki. Back then, the most popular wiki was a horrible mess of spaghetti code, and I just couldn’t figure it out. The others all seemed to require too much setup and configuration. So, I wrote my own wiki engine. I had my own goals, so I didn’t […]

I work for Amazon. The content on this site is my own and doesn’t necessarily represent Amazon’s position.