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Tuesday, June 8, 2004

‘Twas going to post something about my hunt for a condo to buy, but instead I stumbled across Seth Godin’s wonderful entry for today, Needles, haystacks & magnetism. A quote: What chance is there that your totally average resume, describing a totally average academic and work career is going to get you most jobs? “Hey Bill! Check out this average guy with an average academic background and really […]

Monday, June 7, 2004

I really should describe my absolutely horrible Thursday. But, you know, sometimes the combination of distance and pain makes an experience even harder to discuss than normal. I recall someone describing their memories of the Holocaust by saying, “As time went on, it actually got harder to talk about it. I just wanted to avoid dredging up those feelings again.” I understand. Not that my Thursday was anywhere near like a Holocaust; it […]

Thursday, June 3, 2004

Well. Apparently, I now maintain a porn site. The page is safe to view; it just includes links like “lesbian videos” and “free cartoon sex”. Background: I created a website that lists hardware compatible with the AtheOS operating system. I called it Azaka and registered I then left the community and handed over the reigns on that site to somebody else. The domain name lapsed, and it got bought out by somebody who […]

Wednesday, June 2, 2004

Forgive the stilted phraseology of this post. After I get home from work each day this week, I do more work to finish up one particulalry onerous document by the end of the week. The result: I can barely make myself write these journal posts, much less write anything like the VR story. I’ve discovered that Buster Keaton is indeed God. I’d read that this was true, […]

June 1, 2004

This is some sort of lineart manga thingie. It tells a story, without words. Odd and somehow engaging. The artwork is alternately crude and nuanced. …While, if you want to book a flight somewhere, you might (not) want to try SkyHigh Airlines, a perfect parody of airline companies. “Flying is expensive. Let us cheapen the experience.” I’m working on another new writing project: an audio drama. Why another […]

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